
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I Like Like Like? yikes.

Ever felt something for someone who turned out to be a major loser or bonehead?

I just did. -O, my miserable fate. O, dear pity on.... lol Last June or July, I found someone (I'd like to identify as "shred") quite interesting. So interesting that I googled Shred's mobile number. Nah. I took it. And SMS'd like a normal person does. Guess what? Shred replied six days later. What a tech f*#* up! Sure enough, we had a text message conversation (that I'm not really used to, 'coz I prefer talking to someone I like) that ended when Shred signed off to sleep --at eight in the evening! A loser. Loser. Loser. ugh. Next was when I tried calling Shred, 'coz that's the closest I can get to actual talking, Shred's mom answered. Congratulations to me! Anyway, The last live conversation I had with shred was when Shred was eating a MyPao Burger. Complete with a whole sesame seed stuck between Shred's lips. (I'd surely lick it off but, no thanks. lol) Alright, so that's my something for someone. who turned out to be a major loser. What's yours? Comment this post and get a CHANCE to know who "Shred" really is.

BTW, There's nothing wrong with not texting, sleeping at 8pm, and letting your mom hold your phone, as long as you are NOT not texting, sleeping at 8pm, and letting your mom hold your phone. Got it?

1 replies. CLICK! to reply:

jenna said...

lol lol !!! i like the sesame seed part!!

i'm still laughing!