
Friday, September 11, 2009

I hate RAIN and EXAMS!

Exam week is over! hooray for me and my schoolmates! Each time we get to answer exams, our noses bleed. I get to do something else too -- my brain leaks out of my ears and I get to stretch my neck to unbelievable lengths! One time my eyes were bulging out too much my contacts fell off. It's raining once again and I just do not like the rain. I mean I like it if I'm indoors and there are no classes but if I'm out of my room and going to the mall, school, hanging out with pals, or just going home, every part of me tries to avoid raindrops. (hindi ako pwedeng mabasa ano. dadami ako) Sorry that was my brain talking in my language. Anyway, exams.  Exams. Exams. We can't avoid it. We are not safe. So let me give you tips on how NOT to pass it. Since everyone gives tips on how to do things right I'll beg to differ. Okay,
1. Do not use your mobile phone to list down answers on.
2. Do not take every opportunity to look at your seatmates paper.-When the teacher's not looking.
3. Do not use pass letters with your friends with the answers on it.
4. Do not use sunglasses so you won't be able to look at your seatmate's paper without being noticed.
5. Do not sit beside the school geek.
6. Do not use a pencil so you can change answers if another one is better.
7. Do not review two weeks before.
8. Do not sit beside your ultimately cute classmate. They are not distractions.
9. Do not use signals for every letter for multiple choice questions.

Now that it's guaranteed that you won't pass the exams next week, be sure to bring an umbrella
in case you hate the rain as much as me. And if you hate exams, follow these tips and you shall hate no more!

carl paolo

6 replies. CLICK! to reply:

laureen said...

I hate hate hate hate exams too! as in hate it. hate it hate it hate it. thanks for the tips! haha omg so funny

laoo said...

i love the rain... i'll surely follow the tips!! haha

Anonymous said...


Quill and Greyson said...

Lucky cats don't have to take tests.

Anonymous said...

hahaha. im still laughing!

dannyd said...

lol! I liked how you crossed out "do not" on a lot of things, because every one of those things is true...

Hope you can come down to SigNoth and see this:
