Left to their own devices, people will choose passwords that are simple for them to remember. They'll use their spouse's name, their dog's name, their favorite sports team or a recent vacation spot.
Sometimes while working on a user's computer, I'll need to log on as them following a reboot. Unfortunately, they've wandered off, not wanting to hover over the IT guy. I generally prefer not to know other people's passwords, so I usually don't ask. In this situation, I sometimes take a guess. I've been right a surprising number of times, and sometimes with people who are very powerful. It's easy. I simply glance around their offices and note what their obsessions are.
Clearly, password policies are needed.
By using these following tips, people will be able to create easy to remember passwords that follow these typical requirements: at least eight characters long and with at least 3 of the following character types: upper-case letters, lower-case letters, numbers, and special characters.
- Substitute numbers for letters and vice versa. (o instead of 0, 4 instead of A, 1 instead of L, E instead of 3)
- Substitute words for numbers (one, two , three...)
- Combine both the of above (0ne, thr33, f1ve)
- Use capitalization in random places (bLue, happY)
- Use special characters ( !@#$%^&*(){}[] ) to punctuate and separate words
- Create passwords out of words, numbers or phrases you'll remember
- Misspell words
We'll start with some easy ones:
- Friday becomes frYday!
- Robert becomes #robERt#
- 867-5309 becomes 8siX753o9
- 19 Peach Place becomes: 0ne9peacHpl!
- I love Jill becomes: eYelov3Jill
- My dog Fritz becomes MeyedogfrltZ
Michael Scalisi is an IT manager based in Alameda, California.
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