
Thursday, June 3, 2010

SMOKING 40 CIGARETTES in aDAY? bad for your health!

Smoking kills!

Tell that to the Indonesian kid who smokes 40 cigarettes in one day! He is so addicted that when he doesn't get his fix, he gets cranky.

I thought- where are his parents? why the hell would they allow their child smoke at a really early age? The toddler is two years old. Guess what- the toddler's father introduced him to smoking at 18 months old!

Damn, talk about extreme FAIL. Parenting FAIL, that is.

here's a video of Carl Paolo of CrazySynch. Brought to you by The PovertyPhone. (Naks!)


Who's carl paolo? He makes videos of stuff and other shit like the jejemon virus. Takes videos of him getting pierced and uploads them to crazysynch. 

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